Dr. Reid Lectures on Golf Injuries to Hundreds of Florida Podiatric Physicians 

Family Podiatry CenterDr. Marlene Reid in the Media, In The Media, Latest News

Dr. Marlene Reid was once again asked to present to the Florida Podiatric Medical Association at their recent annual scientific conference.  Dr. Reid is the only podiatrist in the country lecturing on the biomechanics and injuries related to golf.  Often, the golf swing is impacted by foot type, foot pathology and foot limitations.  You can read the article she wrote for her colleagues (previously posted on our website) Listen to a radio interview with Radio Health Journal Dr. Reid participated in on heel pain Dr. Reid is currently …

You May Be Ready to Return to Sports – But Are Your Feet??

Family Podiatry CenterDr. Marlene Reid in the Media, Latest News

Returning to Sports after being “side-lined” during the Covid-19 Pandemic is all over the news with respect to physically social distancing – but what about with respect to physical conditioning? Whether you are a weekend warrior, seasonal athlete or year-round runner; the pandemic has had an effect on your physical ability to return to your sport.

New Year Resolutions for your feet

Family Podiatry CenterDr. Marlene Reid in the Media, Latest News

As the countdown to the New Year fades and we retire the “special event” heels for another year, it’s time to think about what resolutions you can make to start the year on the right foot! Okay, on the left foot too.  After weeks of holidays and parties, the start of the year is a perfect time to give your feet a rest.  Below are five resolutions to help give them the pampering they deserve. Give your toenails a breather. Unless you have a mid-winter …

Why did “heel spurs” exempt people from military service?

Family Podiatry CenterLatest News

So why did “heel spurs” exempt people from military service? Aside from being very painful, heel pain was often associated with “flat feet” which tire easily. Nowadays, both flat feet and heel pain are easily maintained using custom orthotic devices and no long pose a threat to our soldiers.