You May Be Ready to Return to Sports – But Are Your Feet??

Family Podiatry CenterDr. Marlene Reid in the Media, Latest News

Returning to Sports after being “side-lined” during the Covid-19 Pandemic is all over the news with respect to physically social distancing – but what about with respect to physical conditioning? Whether you are a weekend warrior, seasonal athlete or year-round runner; the pandemic has had an effect on your physical ability to return to your sport.

SNOW!! More Dangerous than Ice!

Family Podiatry CenterDr. Marlene Reid in the Media

Most people think of ice when they think of the dangers of winter. While our office receives emergency calls due to slips and falls from the ice all winter long, we see even more foot problems that become symptomatic from walking on snow! While walking the uneven surface of snow laden sidewalks, drives and alleys, many existing problems worsen. Many people feel that they are more protected wearing snow boots but in reality snow boots give a false sense of security because most snow boots …