Onyfix Now Available at Family Podiatry Center

Family Podiatry Center Featured Treatments

Family Podiatry Center is pleased to be one of the first podiatric centers in the country to offer a revolutionary NEW treatment for ingrown nails. The nail plate rests on the nail bed. There are various conditions that interfere with the congruity of these two structures including onycholysis (lifting of the nail plate), infection, damage to the nail itself or buildup of debris between the two structures. Many painful toenails result from the nail plate being unable to comfortably rest on the nail bed causing …

HyProCure for Hyperpronation

Family Podiatry Center Featured Treatments

HyProCure is a minimally invasive, time-tested procedure that assists with realigning the foot and at the same time helping to ease the strain and alignment on other parts of the body including the knee, hip and back.

Noveon Laser Treatment for Fungal nails

Family Podiatry Center Featured Treatments

Laser Treatment that removes Nail Fungus 1 in ten adults will have toe nail fungus in their lifetime.  Family Podiatry Center in Naperville is one of the only clinics in Illinois using dual wave Noveon Laser Technology to safely and effectively remove Onychomyosis.  This non-invasive approach kills fungus beneath the nail using lasers. It’s painless, non-invasive, and the procedure has  been described as having a, “Slight warming effect” on the treated area. The procedure does not require the application of any harmful chemicals, surgical blades, taking time off …